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Ofsted Reports DfE Performance Tables

Working together to ensure our children are safe, happy and healthy. Ready to learn, ready for life, ready to shine.

Dear Parents/Carers,

I am pleased to be able to share our very complementary Ofsted report with you. I’m sure you will not be surprised to hear that the opening words of the report capture the ethos of our wonderful school ‘West Bridgford Infant School is truly a place where ‘Bright Ideas Shine’’.

Our school was last inspected fourteen years ago under drastically different inspection framework criteria and expectations. Since then, our key focus has always been ensuring that we stay true to our vision and maintain our high expectations and standards of care and education. We are delighted that this was recognised in the inspection.

The inspection judgement was ‘Good’ in all areas and feedback from the team was that we were at the very top of the ‘Good’ criteria. The areas for development identified are minor tweaks and in the main had already been identified in our ongoing self-evaluation and development planning.

The report is a brief summary of the very detailed feedback we were given from the inspection team during the inspection. It is overwhelmingly positive and has captured many of the things we are most proud of such as Pupils are well-cared for and nurtured’. ‘Leaders’ high expectations of pupils are shared across the full staff team.’ Pupils behave well. They meet the high expectations set by staff.’ ‘The school has a highly cohesive and committed team of staff. It has an uncompromising high ambition for all pupils.’

Whilst not telling us anything new, the inspection has provided further confirmation of what we already knew about our school. We have a well-planned and exciting curriculum. Our children are delightful, well-behaved, excited about learning and enjoy school life. We have a supportive community of parents who want the best for their children and a challenging but supportive Governing Body who hold us to account and provide wise counsel.

Of course we can only continue to achieve this because of our highly skilled and exceptionally hard working and dedicated staff team. As referenced in the report ‘Adults in the school have an expert understanding of how young children learn.’  Our whole staff team are passionate about learning and want the best for every child in our school. I never cease to be amazed by them and cannot thank them enough.

Thank you to the whole West Bridgford Infant School community for making our school such a great place for our children to start their learning journey.

Kind regards

Fiona Stevens

Head Teacher (Nov 2023)

Please Note:

  • As an infant school we are not included in school performance tables.
  • 2023 was the last year of SATs at year two. There will be no statutory data in 2024 other than Phonics Screening.
  • There was no statutory data in Summer 2020 and  Summer 2021 due to Covid-19.

KS1 Comparative Outcomes LA/National 2023 and previous years