Online Safety
We understand that navigating the ever changing world of technology can be challenging. Here are some resources you might find useful to help you keep your children safe.
Keeping your Child Safe Online
- age_ratings_january_2019.pdf
- 7-conversation-topics-november-2018.pdf
- twitter-parents-guide-december-2018.pdf
- balancing-screen-time-internet-matters.pdf
- fortnite-parents-guide-051218.pdf
- how-to-set-up-google-safe-search.pdf
- instagram-parents-guide-v2-081118.pdf
- minecraft-parents-guide-091118.pdf
- roblox-parents-guide-v2-081118.pdf
- thinkuknow-parents-helpsheet-primary.pdf
- tik-tok-parents-guide-october-2018-v2.pdf
- twitch-parents-guide-november-2018.pdf
- OnlineChallengesAdvice_SSZM_2022-1.pdf
Advice about online challenges
Keeping Children safe OnlineThe Department for Education have published a summary guide to keeping your child safe on line. It has links to some excellent resources.