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PE at WBIS – Our Vision, Aims and Ethos

We want children to:

  • Have positive experiences of physical activity.
  • Develop confidence, skills and the motivation to have a long-lived love of physical activity.
  • Develop their all-round health – we know that Physical Activity leads to better Mental Health.
  • Be healthy and active – we know that children do better academically and being active improves children’s ability to engage in learning.
  • Develop resilience, sportsmanship and leadership skills – supported by our Shine Brightly themes.
  • Aim to be active for at least 30 minutes a day.

Intent - How, What and When do we Teach in PE?

We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework, supported by Development Matters 2021 and the National Curriculum. This is enhanced and enriched by the Complete PE Scheme and our sports coaches. This aims to ensure pupils:

  • Develop confidence and competence (skills) to excel in a broad range of physical activities.
  • Are physically active for sustained periods of time.
  • Engage in competitive sports situations.
  • Will go on to lead healthy, active lives and have a love for physical activity.

Implementation – How PE is taught

  • All children participate in at least two lessons of PE per week.
  • One lesson is lead by the Class Teacher and one by specialist sports coaches and visiting expert Teachers throughout the year.
  • Planning is sequential and builds on prior learning and also includes our school ‘Shine Brightly’ themes, which encourage learners to be resilient, have perseverance and independence.
  • In addition, there are many other enrichment activities that the children participate in such as our Healthy Fortnight, visits to sports clubs and visitors.
  • Intervention Groups are used to meet the current cohorts needs, which also include:
    • challenging high performers.
    • pupils with additional needs, such as SEND
    • Pupil Premium pupils and pupils who are Working Towards the Standard in writing.

Assessment, Attainment and Progress

  • Pupils are assessed by Class Teachers throughout each lesson to identify and address areas for development.
  • They are assessed against clear end points in each unit of PE as outlined in the Complete PE Scheme. This also includes Key Success Criteria in the four areas of development - physical, cognitive, social and well-being.
  • In addition, our sports coaches also assess pupils at the end of units.
  • Some children will receive additional support to improve gross motor, social and teamwork skills.


  • Assessments show that most children meet the expected levels/end points in each unit.
  • Fitness assessments have shown that our children are some of the fittest in the local borough.

PE Enrichment Experiences

Healthy Fortnight

  • An annual event in WBIS is our Healthy Fortnight every summer. The whole school participates in many activities to promote physical and mental health. These include: Yoga, Badminton, Karate, Drumba, Rugby, Cricket, Football and many more!

Visits to and from Local Clubs

  • We have visited Trent Bridge Cricket club on several occasions, being mascots and also watching Women’s Teams compete. Coaches from Trent Bridge have worked with our children and run assemblies that reflect our school ethos of hard work and perseverance.
  • Nottingham Forest Football Club have visited and showed a replica European Cup! As well as inspiring us with activities and assemblies.
  • West Bridgford Rugby and Tennis Club have worked with classes.
  • We have participated in the ‘Mini Marathon’ with our pupils gaining awards.
  • We have been lucky enough to have Strictly Come Dancing Star Robin Windsor work with us in school.
  • We also signpost families to a range of physical activities that are run locally. This gives our families opportunities to join clubs and community groups.