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Reading Curriculum at WBIS

Reading at West Bridgford Infant School


At West Bridgford Infant School we are determined that every pupil will learn to read in their time with us.  We want our children to become successful, fluent readers who want to read for pleasure and love reading as much as we do.  We prioritise reading across school through all the curriculum areas.  We strive to provide ALL children with a literacy rich environment which will prepare them for their next stage of learning.

Our curriculum is based on the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework supported by guidance in the non-statutory document ‘Development Matters’ 2021 and the National Curriculum. This is further enhanced by our Shine Brightly themes which support our children to develop key skills to support learning such as resilience and perseverance. It is also adapted to meet the specific needs of each cohort and the interests of our children.


Reading in Reception:

  • We teach the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum through the Development Matters document.
  • As soon as they start school our children begin learning phonics through the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds programme.  
  • Children practise reading individually with an adult at least once a week.
  • They take books home to practice what they have learned at school. The books children take home are carefully chosen by the teacher to ensure they match their phonics phase.  They also take home another book which they share at home. 
  • In addition to individual reading work, the children work in guided reading groups to practise through phonics reading games
  • We have daily story times where teachers share story, rhyming and information books to children using high quality texts.  The children can also vote for the book they want to listen to at story time.  We also encourage children to bring in books from home related to the topic that we are learning about.
  • We engage in lots of talking about different books to extend children’s vocabulary which supports their language comprehension and will impact their writing.
  • We have daily song and rhyme time.

Reading in Key Stage One:

  • We teach reading as set out in the National Curriculum.
  • In Year One, Phonics is taught through the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds programme.
  • Children are taught through a combination of individual, group and shared reading lessons.  All children work on reading with an adult at least once a week.  The books children take home are carefully chosen to match their phonics phase and another book they take home to share.
  • Through our provision approach, the children practise and embed their reading skills every day through carefully planned provision activities.
  • Teachers read daily to children sharing either story, poetry or information books using high quality texts.
  • Comprehension skills are taught directly through small group and whole class lessons and also during story times.

Across school

  • Every classroom has a well-stocked reading corner to nurture children’s love of books and reading.
  • Children’s progress is monitored weekly by Class Teachers and termly at Pupil Progress Reviews. Any children not reaching the expected standard are quickly identified and will have interventions put in place to support their progress.
  • A love of literacy in all its forms is promoted by inviting authors, illustrators and drama groups into school to work with the children.
  • Children visit the school library where they can choose the books they want to read and develop reading habits.
  • We have high expectations that children read regularly at home.
  • Parents are supported to help their child through workshops, information on our web site, handouts at parents’ meetings and in many cases individual coaching sessions.


  • Children at our school develop a love of reading. 
  • By the time our children leave our school at the end of KS1, they are confident, fluent readers.
  • Our children enjoy reading individually and in a group and they are happy and confident to talk about their learning.
  • Our children are able to read books and other texts to enhance their knowledge and understanding in all subjects.
  • Our children can confidently use a range of strategies to decode words.
  • Children enjoy reading at home and parents know how to support them.
  • Attainment in reading is measured using the statutory assessments at the end of Key Stage One. These results are measured against the reading attainment of children nationally. 
  • Our outcomes are good at the end of KS1.  Reading is above national and the local average year on year.  
  • Children will make at least good progress in reading from their starting point in EYFS.