New Starters
Welcome to the West Bridgford Infant School Family!
We are really looking forward to meeting you and know your child will have a fantastic time at our school.
Here's where you will find lots of information for you and your child about starting school.
We hope you will be able to attend our welcome meeting and that your children enjoy their visits in the summer term. We can't wait for them to join us in September for their settling in days.
We will attach a copy of the welcome meeting presentation below after this takes place. This gives you the information about starting school. There will be further information, such as logins when your child starts school and we have a curriculum information planned once they have settled in.
Click here to watch stories read by the staff
Welcome to West Bridgford Infant School
Join the children in showing you around our school.
Information for Starting School September 2025
Getting Ready to Start School. Here are some top tips to help your child to have a successful start to school life.
Our School Uniform
Book bags are also available to purchase.